Connect & Heal
Welcome to EagleHeart
We offer ceremonies and study retreats in nature to help you connect, discover and heal.
Shamanism is an ancient tradition which shows us how to establish a deep connection to Nature, and teaches us that we are interconnected with all of life.
Ceremonies & Workshops
We hold community ceremonies throughout the year. Here are the dates for Spring 2023
Shamanic Purification Lodge Ceremonies
Friday 13th 4-9pm
Saturday 14th 4-9pm
Sunday 15th 4-9pm
Friday 24th 4-9pm
Saturday 25th 4-9pm
Sunday 26th 10-3pm
Shamanic Drumming & Singing Workshop
Saturday 25th 10-4pm
Led by Louise 'Mountain Mist'
Drumming and singing opens our heart, brings us into balance
and aligns us with the heartbeat of Grandmother Earth.
Open to all
Book early as limited places
Cost £40-£60
Eagle Dance
A shamanic ceremony of renewal
Friday 19th - Sunday 21st
Save the date!
Eagle Dance is a traditional and powerful shamanic ceremony of renewal.
On day one we prepare ourselves and the ceremonial space.
On day two we fast and dance to the Tree of Life to connect with our higher vision and purpose for the year ahead. We dance from dawn 'til dusk to the powerful rhythm of traditional chants and drums. At sunset we end the day with a celebration feast.
Come and dance your vision for the coming year.
Contact us for more details.
Study retreats
Interested in shamanism? We offer one and two day study retreats where we share the beautiful teachings and ceremonies of the shamanic Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.
Shamanic Study Weekends
(Eager Beaver Group)
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th
Saturday 9th & Sunday 10th
Saturday 10th & Sunday 11th
Introduction to Shamanism
Saturday 8th 10am-9pm
Join us for a one day study retreat of shamanic teachings and ceremony in our beautiful lakeside cabin
Breathwork & Shamanism
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd April
Everything breathes - Everything is connected.
Breathing techniques help connect us more powerfully to the Sun energies.
They pull in the "Chula", the Universal Life Force and open the ten wheels (chakras) to the male energy of Grandfather Sun.
Discover how the breath moves around the shamanic medicine wheel
Lean basic shamanic breathing techniques and the key role of breath in shamanic cosmology and metaphysics.