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Purification Lodge Ceremonies 

Next Community Purification Ceremony  

Saturday 8th March 2025


Led by Clare 'Golden Willow'

Our focus for this Purification Ceremony will be healing our inner needy, wounded and abandoned child(ren) through connection to the powers and gifts of the South.

This lodge is open to the whole community so feel free to invite  friends and family members

To book text 07879872892

The Shamanic Purification Lodge offers a space for deep healing, for balance of body, heart, mind, spirit and soul.​

We gather for healing and to pray for ourselves, life and others. 

All Eagle Heart Purification Lodge ceremonies are led by myself or other apprentices on the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path.

We are guided and supported by our medicine teachers Elaine 'Cat Moon' and Pete 'Black Agate'

Each ceremony has a different theme, intent and direction.

Like many spiritual traditions the directions North, South, East & West are used to guide and encode knowledge.


Since ancient times and across many cultures, Sweat Lodges, spas and saunas have been used for important health, community and spiritual purposes. 
In the Sweet Medicine Sundance tradition, the lodge represents the Sacred Womb space, from which we can pray and birth ourselves anew as well as birth our dreams and heart’s desires.


What happens

We walk through the woods and gather together at our lakeside cabin and prepare for the ceremony.

We cover the willow lodge with blankets and help build the fire which heats the stones for the ceremony.

We then gather to prepare ourselves for the ceremony 

After the ceremony we restore the space. 


What to bring

Please bring a towel to sit on during the ceremony plus warm clothing, waterproof coat and shoes, a torch.

Hot drinks will be provided.


There is no charge for purification lodge ceremonies.  

However, we do request a cash donation to cover all the costs & materials.

Please also bring a small gift for the Dance Chief (who leads the ceremony) and for each of the two Fire Keepers.

Gifts: cash or useful goods e.g. olive oil, tahini, cheese, nuts. 

It is a good idea to accompany each gift with a small amount of loose tobacco wrapped in red to signify your personal intent for the ceremony to spirit.


Please do not consume alcohol or non-prescription drugs in the 72 hours before any purification lodge ceremony as they will compromise your ability to participate.

​​Flowering Tree Ceremonies

​Ceremonies often bring clarity, and can sometimes be life changing. 

Ceremonies can be simple and short or long and complex. 

Below we describe another type of shamanic ceremony - a Flowering Tree Ceremony

A human’s luminosity is very similar to that of a tree.  We often work with trees as a part of our personal and sacred ceremonies to help us heal, grow and evolve. Flowering Tree Ceremonies help us connect the “as above” and the “so below”. 


What happens

Decide what the intent of your ceremony is/

Ask the tree if it is willing to do ceremony with you.

Walk around the tree clockwise three times to prepare for the ceremony.

Sit with you back against the tree facing south.

Ask the question and listen, paying attention to the messengers of nature around you. 

Once you are complete in the south then move to the west and repeat.....then continue clockwise in the north and then the east. When you have completed thank the tree for helping you with the ceremony and gift it with some tobacco, song or hug!


Here is the link to an example of a beautiful Flowering Tree Ceremony for Forgiveness  from our Deer Tribe Medicine Teacher Janneke Koole.

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